Success! Based on Ron's suggestion, I was able to finish the last half
of the make in 3 hours.
Then I did a 'make test' and got the following failures:
98% tests passed, 6 tests failed out of 362
Total Test time (real) = 1465.99 sec
The following tests FAILED:
150 - qa_pmt (Failed)
243 - qa_polar_decoder_sc (Failed)
244 - qa_polar_decoder_sc_list (Failed)
245 - qa_polar_decoder_sc_systematic (Failed)
246 - qa_polar_encoder (Failed)
247 - qa_polar_encoder_systematic (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
make: *** [Makefile:86: test] Error 8
I don't think it will impact what I need, but thought you might want to
I really appreciate all the help you have provided.
Best regards,
Barry Duggan
On 2019-07-22 09:02, Michael Dickens wrote:
> Good morning, Barry! Progress ... keep it coming!
> Reviewing your cmake log: My guess is that you just need to give it
> longer. A -lot- longer. The point of delay is when C++ is compiling
> the SWIG-generated Python interface for gr::filter. SWIG C++ code is
> horrendous to read through, and takes a log time to compile when it of
> any reasonable amount of complexity. If your RPi can't handle the
> compilation, it'll crash -- not just hang, but totally crash. Way back
> with the RPi 1, we did get GR to compile on it ... but it took like 2
> days! Patience sometimes works here!
> All of that said: Did you look at Ron's recommendation? The RPi is
> notoriously difficult to compile GR directly on; sometimes you need to
> tweak file / memory settings to get "reasonable" compiles.
> Also: You could try using OpenEmbedded to build GR on your host
> computer, cross-compiled for your RPi. That would take some work, but
> might be worth the effort as once it works it would be easily
> repeatable!
> Hope this is useful! - MLD
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2019, at 7:30 AM, Barry Duggan wrote:
>> Good Morning!
>> Well, good news and bad news. The good news is that it got past the
>> 13%
>> mark with no problems. The bad news is that it got stuck again in an
>> even tighter loop at 53%. I couldn't even move the cursor or interrupt
>> it with a control-C. The activity light was on solid.
>> I started at 17:05 and at 20:35 it was at 53%, so I projected it
>> should
>> finish around midnight. I left it running overnight, but it was still
>> at
>> 53%. The output didn't capture the last of what was on the screen.
>> Let me know what to try next. Thank you for your help.
>> Best regards,
>> ---
>> Barry Duggan
>> On 2019-07-21 13:41, Michael Dickens wrote:
>> > Hi Barry - OK; good progress! Can you do the following, from the
>> > top-level "build" directory (looks like "/home/pi/gnuradio/build"):
>> > {{{
>> > make clean
>> > make VERBOSE=ON 2>&1 | tee make_out.txt
>> > }}}
>> > and then walk away & let it go until it's done. You'll be able to see
>> > the build going along via the 'tee' command. Please be patient! It
>> > might work; it might not! Either way on an RPi it'll take some time to
>> > build whatever it can! - MLD
>> >
>> <snip>
>> Attachments:
>> * make_out.txt
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