Thursday, February 14, 2019

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Testers needed: Updated CMake syntax

I tried [1] on Ubuntu 18.10 and it build without problems.
Starting to build some of mine OOT's I found, that FindUSB.cmake is
missing. I think this was used to build gr-fcd which is not part of
gnuradio 3.8.
But that's no problem.
Will the new cmake be part of gnuradio-3.8 ?

I'll keep on testing some more OOT's

-- Volker

> Hi all,
> in the last weeks I have been pursuing the quest of reworking the
> current CMake build tooling in GNU Radio to use "modern CMake" syntax.
> This work has mainly completed and now is the time to fix bugs you
> encounter.
> The work on the updated CMake can be found here
> [0]/[1] and should compile just fine using the cmake & make/ninja
> commands you are used to.
> Support for static libraries might be still broken, but static linking
> can be enabled using `-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF` on the command line. No
> shared library will be built using that flag.
> Linking Out-of-Tree modules should be way easier using the new syntax
> (but still old modules have to be updated). Mainly the `find_package`
> call now follows the convention of specifying components in the
> function call e.g. `find_package(Gnuradio COMPONENTS fft audio)`. After
> the correct components are specified on in the `find_package` call the
> corresponding build targets are available in your CMake project. e.g.
> you can `target_link_libraries(foo gnuradio::gnuradio-fft)`. Several
> core build targets are always available (gnuradio::gnuradio-runtime,
> gnuradio::gnuradio-pmt).
> Instead of linking to all GNU Radio libraries in the
> `target_link_libraries` call in `lib/CMakeLists.txt` now only the
> targets needed should be linked with. An example for changes needed in
> a OOT can be found at [2].
> Mostly removing almost everything from `cmake/Modules` and removing a
> lot of manual dependency finding from your own `CMakeLists.txt` is a
> good step forward.
> Necessary changes to `gr_modtool` have been incorporated to work with
> the new CMake syntax.
> If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for further improvements do
> not hesitate to contact me through the pull request [0] or email. I'll
> help with build problems updating your OOT as well.
> Cheers
> Andrej
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
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