Monday, February 4, 2019

[Discuss-gnuradio] Protocol Formatter block add additional 4 bytes of data to the Header

Hello Everyone,
Why does the Protocol Formatter block add additional 4 bytes of data to the Header?  
 For example, take the following case  (Here is a snapshot of GRC and the .grc file is attached with the email .  )

This .grc file (taken from the examples of /src/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/packet/) has two Fromat Obj.'s defined . One of them is  "digital.packet_utils.default_access_code
and Second one is the similar thing with additional counter (which appends 4 bytes of running counter data to the header)

When I execute the "digital.packet_utils.default_access_code" in python, it gives me 8 bytes of data.  (ac dd a4 e2 f2 8c 20 fc 

but the output of Protocol Formatter is the following 12 bytes of data  in which last 4 bytes of 12 bytes are appended with (00 11 00 11


can anyone of you please point out me the reason why it is appending those 4 bytes of data?
Thanks for your time and help. 


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