Wednesday, February 13, 2019

[Discuss-gnuradio] "gnuradio challenges" (for learning GNU Radio)

Hi all,

After the GNU Radio workshop at hsbxl two weeks ago, a number of people
of the Belgian amateur-radio community who where at the workshop have
shown interest in continuing to learn more about GNU Radio.

However, one of the main issues we have noticed that we kind-of lack a
good "application" to use GNU Radio for, and -as we all known- you only
learn something by using it.

So, based on the idea used in cybersecurity training, I would like to
see if it not possible to create a number of "GNU Radio challenges",
either decoding radio-signals or creating an encoder that produces a
desired signal.

I know Ben Hilburn created the challenge (found on the GNU Radio
website) but that one is way above what most people are able to decode
(let alone people just starting out with GNU Radio).
Again, looking at the cybersecurity-scene: If you look at a website like
"root me" (, it provides a number of
challenges with an increasing degree of difficulty, which allow people
to build up their skills step by step. And -as I see it- this "step by
step" approach is the most important element in a educational project.

So, does anybody know if there are, or is anybody interested to help
create, more GNU Radio challenges that can be used for an educational
purpose, to provide people with a "learning path" to really start to
learn and use GNU Radio?

Are there people who use GNU Radio as part of teaching
radio-communication? What topics do you teach and in what order? How do
you get the students to understand radio-communication and GNU Radio?

Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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