Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Clone existing blocks in my own GNURadio project

I -love- this idea, and agree that to the best of my knowledge such an import feature does not exist anywhere; I'd love to see it as part of gr_modtool!

I cannot count how many times I've imported blocks from either GR or some GR/OOT in order to tweak them -- to learn what makes the block tick and subsequently sometimes to fix issues. I sometimes do this tweaking "in place" (tweak source, rebuild, reinstall), but often as not I find it easier to import the code my GR/OOT that is using the block in question.

If/when appropriate & doable, contributing upstream is important to try.

Maybe this addition could be a GSoC project? Hmm ... - MLD

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019, at 12:06 PM, NAVES Raphael wrote:
> Dear Marcus,
> Thanks for your answer. I have no doubt that you provide a very quick
> and wise help for every request.
> The thing is that, sometimes we just want to add something in the code
> which is especially designed for our system and that will not really
> help the community. Let's imagine that I want to add a debug line into a
> source file : there is no technical difficulty so I do not contact you,
> I just apply the process that I described before (gr_modtool,
> copy/paste, ...). So I was thinking that such a tool could help the
> community.
> Best,
> NAVES Raphaël

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