Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Win32 and gr-blocks/lib/stream_pdu_base.cc

Hi Gisle,

rest assured, there's no unfriendliness towards MSVC -- it's just that
we're currently really lacking people who have MSVC or even just Windows
experience, and hence, problems like these can go unnoticed.
Again, that's not a sign of anyone disliking MSVC, it's just that it's
been a while since most of us did development under Windows. Also, VOLK
is mainly hand-optimized assembler, so I really can't blame anyone who
didn't have acute access to MSVC to try with that; that being said, I'd
actually like to see more reports/wiki pages on how to successfully
build GNU Radio under Windows -- I think there was a thread lately, but
I can't seem to find it.

GCC shouldn't be the only compiler supported, seeing as clang is
probably used on OS X, if I'm not mistaken.

So, to illustrate this:
> the read() and write() functions are used on sockets. This doesn't
> work well on Windows as you're probably aware
Nope, at least I wasn't aware of any of that; that sounds strange to me,
because that's nothing you'd expect on a system with a Unixoid API
(which WinNT had, I thought).

I like your fix, but: I also find it scary. I'd rather go ahead and try
whether using send/recv on all platforms would work, too.

Best regards,

On 01.09.2015 23:07, Gisle Vanem wrote:
> Martin Braun wrote:
>> I'm not sure what you're saying/asking here.
> Maybe the original makes it clear:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2014-10/msg00044.html
>> It's true we don't have a
>> lot of Windows developers, and if you're willing to take on this issue,
>> it would be appreciated.
> Trying to build Volk using MSC seems impossible now, so the issue
> will have to wait. E.g. on volk:
> volk_cpu.c(85): error C3861: '__cpuid_count': identifier not found
> Seems to GNU-C is required now (MingW/gcc has this function. MSVC does
> not). Is this intentional or just another miss? If the former, why the
> unfriendliness towards MSVC?

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