Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Generate a specific wave form


Yes! For now, the pass-through functionality is fine for me. I saw the
Power Squelch block but it doesn't have a "control input" to decide when
my signal will pass through.

This signal can be a sine, square wave, etc, but I think it isn't
important, because if I have the Energy Detector working fine, it will
always do its function, right?

The Detector can't decide according to the signal I want. The decision
is made according to the spectrum, that is, my vector (0 or 1).

Like a tap: I have a control(vector) and the water (my signal) goes down
according to the opening. The amount of water that goes down doesn't
need to "analyse the water", just the control (vector) and then, leave
the water pass.

Using a tap was my best explanation for now haha

Again, thank you a lot.

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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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