Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Generate a specific wave form

Jeon and Marcus

I'm very happy you're helping me to build. This is the first time I use
GNURadio and it's very different of other softwares I usually work.

I can tell you my purpose, no problem at all. I'm trying to start a
project about Cognitive Radio. For now, I want to build an Energy

A primary user might be sending a signal all the time (this is my signal
source block). During this event, my Energy Detector will analyse the
spectro and pass or not the signal of my primary user (the entire
signal, everything that is being sent), because that's what a cognitive
radio does. So, when it's possible, I will use the spectro to send a few
When the spectro is being used (vector = 0, for example), I can't send
information, because it would damage the signal of other person. I just
want to send data, when the spectro is not being used (vector = 1).

To simulate this analysis, I was trying to use a vector source or a
random source, because it's impossible to know when the spectro will be
free; it's random.

I think it's easier to understand now. Thank you a lot for helping me
here, guys.

Posted via

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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