Tuesday, July 14, 2015

[Discuss-gnuradio] possible bug in gr_modtool

Dear all,

We have been working with our gr-isdbt OOT for some months now, and we've stumbled upon what we believe is a small bug in gr_modtool: doxygen documentation of the OOT is not updated when doing "make && sudo make install".

After some exploration, we believe the problem is that the CMakeLists.txt in docs/doxygen/ has a add_custom_command without a DEPENDS declaration. We've patched it by replacing those lines with (bold indicates the addition):

    COMMENT "Generating documentation with doxygen"

However, our expertise with cmake is null, so we're not sure this is the right solution. Maybe someone in the developement team has the "correct" solution.

best regards,

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