Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Generate a specific wave form

Dear Caesar,

If there's a certain purpose of this work but that is not explained this post, it's better for us to know the purpose.
But, you might not want to explain that if it is confidential.

The original signal stays unmodified. You can get the original signal by connecting the original source block to another block.
And you can get the whole part of the the original signal or nothing by setting duration, repetition or interpolation of each bit from a vector stream, which will be a multiplier.

You can easily set a length/duration of each sample from a vector source by using repeat block.
The figure above will generates  200 zeros, 200 ones, 200 zeros and 200 ones.
It is equivalent to a vector source with (0, 0, 0, ..., 1, 1, 1, ..., 0, 0, 0, ..., 1, 1, 1, ...)

But, if you want something different,
for example, if you want to pause/stop the signal source block (or USRP source block, etc.) temporarily when the switch block (the vector source block or other trigger blocks) give zero
and resume the source block when the switch block gives one,
it seems you need to approach the problem in a different way.

As I read your question again, it seems that you want a flow graph to output literally 'nothing' not even zero, is it right?
In other words, you want to drop a part of the original signal when the switch value is zero.
In that case, a valve block might help you. But I doubt that a vector source can be an argument of the valve block.
(I might be wrong. There can be a block can do what you want, but not sure about it.)

I recommend you to build a pass-or-drop, pass-or-block block.


2015-07-01 11:59 GMT+09:00 Antonny Caesar <lists@ruby-forum.com>:
Marcus, I see what you mean, but you didn't understand what I wanna do.
Using a multiplier you are modificating the original signal. I don't
want to multiply the samples, I want nothing or the entire signal.

What I mean is:
0 = no signal at all, everything is 0 and not only a piece of the
signal. The entire sine wave times 0 -> sine x 0 = 0.
1 = the entire signal, but not only a sample x 1, like you showed. I
need to multiply the everything by 1 and leave the signal pass.


"Nothing" if the control is 0, and "EVERYTHING" if the control is 1. I
don't need pieces of wave times 0 or 1, I need the whole signal times 0
or 1, like a switch. Did you get it? It's hard to build it here.

Thanks a lot.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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