Wednesday, July 18, 2012

[Discuss-gnuradio] Trouble With UHD Tune Request

I'm working on a C++ block which accepts a pointer to a uhd sink and
calls the sink's set_center_frequency method to change to a new
frequency. Set_center_frequency requires input in the form of a
uhd::tune_request_t and returns a uhd::tune_result_t. As a bit of
background, I generated an out of tree module with It
contains this block as well as two other blocks. The other blocks can be
used in GRC but this on cannot as it requires a pointer, so I disabled
the installation of its xml file in grc/CMakeLists.txt and will be using
it exclusively through c++. The issue that I am having seems to be in
accessing the libraries for UHD.

//My call to set_center_frequency, where private_UHD_Sink is a pointer
to a UHD Sink and private_freqs is a pointer to the first member of an
array and current_freq sets the index of the array
uhd::tune_result_t result_sink =
private_UHD_Sink->set_center_freq(uhd::tune_request_t(*(private_freqs +

I first compiled my flowgraph without #including <tune_result.hpp> and
<tune_request.hpp> in my source file. Surprisingly, things compile just
fine without the two files. However, a c++ flowgraph which tries to use
the block gives a nondescript error ("expected primary-expression before
'('") on the line which instantiates my block. Using one of the other
blocks (which share the same module) in GRC returns "ImportError:
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol:

I then thought that I would try to include the two files mentioned
above, and of course it refused to compile because it could not find the
files. I looked at the CMakeLists.txt file included with the tag demo
c++ example included in gnuradio and decided to add
include_directories(${UHD_INCLUDE_DIRS}) and
link_directories(${UHD_LIBRARY_DIRS}) to my CMakeLists.txt file in my
src directory. The issue seems to be that many of the cmake directory
variables on my system were not set properly. Adding "MESSAGE(STATUS,
"GR include path: ${GNURADIO_CORE_INCLUDE_DIRS}")" to my CMakeLists.txt
file produces "STATUS,GR include path: /usr/local/include/gnuradio" but
this is the only GNUradio related cmake variable I have found that seems
to have been set properly. Adding "MESSAGE(STATUS, "UHD include path:
${UHD_LIBRARY_DIRS}")" produces "STATUS,UHD include path: STATUS,UHD
include path: ". I was able to get the source to compile by setting the
UHD include path absolutely (added
"include_directories(/usr/local/include/uhd/types)" to my CMakeLists.txt
file - but I can't seem to find the UHD_Library_Directory so I cannot
try setting it absolutely. The program now compiles, but the same error
is produced in GRC as well as in the c++ flowgraph. I am wondering if
anyone has any idea how I could go about including the appropriate UHD
libraries or what else could be causing these errors? Thanks ahead of time!


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