Friday, October 8, 2010

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Fractional resampling

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Martin Braun <> wrote:
> Hi,
> having looked at the current codebase, I find two resamplers suitable
> for interpolation rates close to 1: gr_fractional_interpolator and
> gr_pfb_arb_resampler. I can see the latter is newer.
> Here some questions:
> 1) When would I use which one, or is gr_fractional_interpolator
>   simply older? I can tell they use different approaches (MMSE vs. linear
>   interpolation), but don't really know what to do with this
>   information :)

It's largely that the fractional interpolator is older, at least for
the case you are talking about. For small (fractional, even) changes
in sample rate, this one worked fine, but it isn't well-suited to
arbitrary rate changes. The PFB resampler allows pretty much any real
number as the resample rate, although I admit I haven't tested an
upper bound.

> 2) Concerning gr_fractional_interpolator: The first parameter, called
>   phase_shift in the block definition and is later on referred to as
>   'mu', seems to be an initial fractional delay. For an infinite
>   stream, why does this matter? It seems to be important, otherwise it
>   would not be the first argument of the block constructor (or is this
>   coincidence? If it's pretty much irrelevant, why not make it second
>   and then give it mu=0 as default value?)

I'm not sure who wrote this to begin with so I don't know their take,
but I agree, it does seem like the less-important parameter. I know I
have used it, although I can't remember where/why. Also, my guess is
that the use of it as mu in the code reflects the math behind the

> 3) Concerning gr_pfb_arb_resampler (I hope I've understood the code
>   correctly): This uses a PFB to get the sampling rate close to what we
>   want, and then linearly interpolates. Isn't this a bit inaccurate?
>   I'm afraid I haven't got Harris' book right here, so I can't check
>   the reference, but perhaps someone who's already used this resampler
>   can share some experience?

Nope, it's not inaccurate. You're right that it would be if there
granulation weren't so small. By defauly, the resampler uses 32
filters, but this is adjustable. However, when discussing this stuff
with fred harris, he told me he almost never uses any more than 32
himself. With this number, the quantization error is about as small as
you need; that is, it's likely the noise in the system will dominate.

I've run experiments going to 64 and 128 filters for both this and the
PFB clock synchronizer (which in some ways is the same thing) and the
amount of increased fidelity is very small. Conversely, if you went
to, say, 16 filters, the signal starts to get noticeably worse.

So no, even though it's doing linear interpolation, under the
conditions I mentioned, don't think of it as being inaccurate.

> Thanks a lot for any answers! They'll be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> MB

No problem.


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