Thursday, April 11, 2024

Re: Inquiring about an old GSoC

I'll brazenly forward that question to Luca here :) The honest answer is
that you should really not blame Luca, time was short (and is always
short), and we (and especially I) never gotten around to bring this to a
state where it can be upstreamed.

Any help achieving that would be greatly appreciated! Regarding
necessary changes: yes, a few things will need to be updated to GNU
Radio 3.10, but that's mostly syntax, not functionality. If you want to
pick up the job of updating things to 3.10, you can be sure I'd support you.

Best regards,
Marcus Müller

On 2024-04-11 03:03, Chaz Maschman wrote:
> Hello GNU Radio folk,
> I have been attempting to use MIMO technology within GNU Radio and have stumbled upon an old Google Summer of Code project sponsored by GNU Radio that does everything I could have wanted to do but in a more competent manner:
> The commentary by the developer surrounding this suggests that he expected or intended for the final code to be merged into GNU Radio, but it seems like it never was. Is there a reason for this? Is there anything that needs to be changed from the code for it to be merged?
> Sincerely,
> Chaz M.

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